About our services, and why you need to implement AI into your bussines NOW.

What we do at VanityAI

At VanityAi we are helping Numerous E-Commerce Companys to implement AI into their operations to help them increase efficiency, free up staff and automate repetative task.
For example our Virtual assistant (located in the bottom right corner) is handeling most of the customer support wich helps to drasticly reduce the workload of our support personal and enables them to only focus on the most important tasks. This directly leads to reduced cost and improved customer experience. 


Why you NEED AI

A Deloitte study recently found that over 50% of organizations are planning on incorporating the use of AI and automation technologies in 2024. While many top executives are worried about the risks of AI usage, other high-achieving organizations are adopting new tech-savvy operational processes.
Every perspicacious company is planning to incorporate AI and levarage it's enormous potential because they as well can see the value that AI is able to provide by automating operations and improving customer experience 
Companies that wont bother to integrate AI WILL inevitably fall behind those who do, this is due to how GIGANTIC the potential of AI is. It will revolutionize how bussineses will operate and set a new, higher standart wich you will NEED to achive if you want to stay competitive in your industry



What AI can do

Data Analysis and Insights

AI excels in processing extensive data quickly and accurately, identifying patterns, trends, and correlations that humans might miss. It's invaluable for businesses, enabling data-driven decisions, predicting market trends, understanding customer behavior, and optimizing operations.

Automation and Efficiency

AI will automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks across various departments. From customer service chatbots handling routine inquiries to automating data entry and analysis, AI frees up human resources to focus on more complex and creative tasks, leading to increased productivity and cost savings.

 Customer Experience

AI will offer tailored product recommendations, create personalized marketing campaigns, and provide better customer service through chatbots that understand and respond to individual needs. This personalization fosters customer loyalty and improves overall satisfaction.

Our Offers

we offer basic, advanced, and custom AI-tools, specifically tailored to the needs of your company to help you finally integrate AI into your own bussines as well.
We also offer a monthly subscription, for the regular offers we will create the Ai tool, tailor it to your bussines and integrate it into your website if needed, please keep in mind that we will need access to your website code to implement the tool, if this is not possible we can also provide an instruction on how to implement the code. this will be a one time set up. with the monthly subscription we will also maintain the tool and make sure it will stay up to date, for more information please contact us via E-mail. 
Custom AI tools can be anything you want, if it is possible to do than we will be able to make it happen and tailor it to your company so you will have the best possible outcome.
if you still have any questions please ask our customer support.
(located bottom right corner).
About the payment procces:

Payment currently only via direct bank transfer, if you decide to purchase one of our tools, after recieving your order we will be contacting you either through E-Mail or Phone, and let you know all the details about your order (how long it will take to set up, if we need any extra information about your company,  what exactly you will recieve within your order, ...) and the payment. after sorting out everything we will send you an invoice. Work will start right after we confirmed the payment.